Klint Macro
Klint Macro is an educator and motivator of his fellow citizens, encouraging all Americans to exercise their individual rights and liberties through education and empowerment. Klint's background is in the music and film industry but Klint changed roles by becoming a firearm safety and defense trainer and instructor in the early 2000’s. He founded the Trigger Pressers Union (www.triggerpressersunion.com) in 2013 and today he trains instructors and citizens alike on a daily basis by teaching them safe, ethical, and contextually appropriate curriculum that helps them to safely protect themselves and those that they love. Klint is a Personal Defense Network Training Tour Instructor (www.pdntrainingtour.com) and a regular contributor to Personal Defense Network (www.personaldefensenetwork.com). Klint is certified through various companies and organizations including the USCCA, NRA, I.C.E. Training, ASP, Sabre, and Project Appleseed. Klint is also the co-founder and administrator of National Train A Teacher Day (www.nationaltrainateacherday.com), Co-Host of Meet The Pressers (www.meetthepressers.com), President of The Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League (www.acslpa.org) and VP of Firearms Owners Against Crime Institute for Legal, Legislative, and Educational Action (www.foac-illea.org).
- How To Train to Be Your Own Family First Responder
- Friday, February 7 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
- How To Train to Be Your Own Family First Responder
- Saturday, February 8 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM EST
- How To Train to Be Your Own Family First Responder
- Sunday, February 9 • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EST